Faith came to AAE as a result of an animal control seizure. This was a horrific case of neglect/abuse. Faith and her herdmates were starved. Faith stood by her mom’s side until help came, then she had to say good bye. She was barely a month old, and such a cute little gal with a zest for life. We all had to have “faith” that the system would work against the heartless people that left mom to die.
We never met Faith’s mom, but we know she was an “Angel”. She laid down that day when she no longer had the strength to stand. Faith watched over her until someone came. When help arrived, Angel tried to stand, but she was so weak, she had to lay down again. The starvation and dehydration took it’s toll on her little body, and when she didn’t respond to supportive care, she was helped across the Rainbow Bridge. She gave all she had to keep her little filly alive.
Faith is growing into a beautiful, petite, and playful girl. She is all personality, and a bit on the sassy side! She was a supplement baby and got a slow start learning herd/horse behavior, but she's learning quickly living with several other weanlings and her mentor mares and geldings. Faith is a petite, flashy little filly!
For more photos, please visit his Facebook album.
We never met Faith’s mom, but we know she was an “Angel”. She laid down that day when she no longer had the strength to stand. Faith watched over her until someone came. When help arrived, Angel tried to stand, but she was so weak, she had to lay down again. The starvation and dehydration took it’s toll on her little body, and when she didn’t respond to supportive care, she was helped across the Rainbow Bridge. She gave all she had to keep her little filly alive.
Faith is growing into a beautiful, petite, and playful girl. She is all personality, and a bit on the sassy side! She was a supplement baby and got a slow start learning herd/horse behavior, but she's learning quickly living with several other weanlings and her mentor mares and geldings. Faith is a petite, flashy little filly!
For more photos, please visit his Facebook album.