Meet Nova. Nova is in need of a new home. Here is the information provided about him.
"Nova is a 7-8 year old Arab/Quarter horse that I adopted from another rescue (this rescue is no longer functioning nor would he be safe being back in their possession) in 2015. He is pasture sound but does have weakness/discomfort in his lumbar spine/muscles that make him unridable. This presents as the inability to hold a lead, he will pick the correct one up but then consistently switches to cross firing, and tenderness in the lumbar area when groomed. I adopted him as a young horse just started under saddle and although this issue was present at adoption I was under the impression it was a training/balance/strength issue. I have had multiple veterinarians work with us, he has been treated with chiropractic and acupuncture, and I spent two years trying to build up his strength and teach him to use his back in a more correct manor, and has just been a pasture pet for the last three years but there has been no improvement. He does not need daily medication for his back but occasionally he will do something silly in the pasture and will need acupuncture and a few days of Bute. He does take a gut health enzyme by manna pro, he is prone to diarrhea but on this and an Alfalfa/grass hay mix that issue is under control. I had intended to get a full workup on his back to include an MRI when we got back to the states but due to my current situation that is no longer feasible. Nova has a wonderfully playful personality and loves kids, everyone he comes in contact with falls for his sweet inquisitive nature. He does get Arab brain so I do not recommend he go to someone inexperienced but my 65 year old mom who has some physical limitations is able to handle him for daily grooming, vet and farrier, although I would not feel comfortable with her handling his off property. He should not been kept in a stall as he gets bored easily and but does well in a heard."
If you are interested in giving Nova a new home, please contact AAE.
"Nova is a 7-8 year old Arab/Quarter horse that I adopted from another rescue (this rescue is no longer functioning nor would he be safe being back in their possession) in 2015. He is pasture sound but does have weakness/discomfort in his lumbar spine/muscles that make him unridable. This presents as the inability to hold a lead, he will pick the correct one up but then consistently switches to cross firing, and tenderness in the lumbar area when groomed. I adopted him as a young horse just started under saddle and although this issue was present at adoption I was under the impression it was a training/balance/strength issue. I have had multiple veterinarians work with us, he has been treated with chiropractic and acupuncture, and I spent two years trying to build up his strength and teach him to use his back in a more correct manor, and has just been a pasture pet for the last three years but there has been no improvement. He does not need daily medication for his back but occasionally he will do something silly in the pasture and will need acupuncture and a few days of Bute. He does take a gut health enzyme by manna pro, he is prone to diarrhea but on this and an Alfalfa/grass hay mix that issue is under control. I had intended to get a full workup on his back to include an MRI when we got back to the states but due to my current situation that is no longer feasible. Nova has a wonderfully playful personality and loves kids, everyone he comes in contact with falls for his sweet inquisitive nature. He does get Arab brain so I do not recommend he go to someone inexperienced but my 65 year old mom who has some physical limitations is able to handle him for daily grooming, vet and farrier, although I would not feel comfortable with her handling his off property. He should not been kept in a stall as he gets bored easily and but does well in a heard."
If you are interested in giving Nova a new home, please contact AAE.